
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Downfall of a political sociopath

Here's a politician that rode a 44 year political dynasty - his party was in power for 12 elections, a huge fund-raising machine, an array of high priced powerful people advising what the right moves were. He was up against 3 parties that were in disarray, underfunded, and written off by the media as unlikely to win.

UPDATE: How do I know Prentice was a sociopath? Once he lost he resigned from both leadership and his seat. He's now a private citizen. He won't even take the job he spent $14 million dollars on. That's selfish arrogance.

He had all the advantages one would hope for. But still, if you act like a sociopath - insult the people and their intelligence, act selfishly, lie to people about how well you're government's doing, and trivialize the people's concerns you will find out how unmerciful those same people will be.

Sounds like anyone else you know?!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_620/jim-prentice-progressive-conservative-party-leader.jpg

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